Currently Reading: Raven Smith's Trivial Pursuits
Each summer I tend to devour a few handfuls of 'beach reads' wether i'm lounging by Kitsilano Pool or at Secret Beach here in Vancouver. We've had our hottest days yet this summer, and I'm currently (audibly) laughing my way through Raven Smith's Trivial Pursuits.
A collection of essays about modern life comes from the journalist, which are much in the style of the candid and humorous nature of some of my fav others, Nora Ephron, David Sedaris and Carrie Fisher.
He discusses the 'minutiae of everyday modern life and culture' talking about what goes through his head in a yoga class, to being tall to his struggles as a lonely teenager coming out - which are all brutally, hilariously relatable.
You can order the book on Amazon by clicking here.