How to Stay Cool in a Heatwave: Camping Edition

Rebecca L.
Pretty obvious, but if your tent is out in the sunshine, you’re gonna be waking up to some serious rays over your head. Find a spot where you’re going to be shaded by the trees of a morning, and mid-afternoon.TARP UPIt’s all good finding shade for your sleeping spot, but if you can set up some extra tarps over-head, you’ll really benefit from the extra sun protection. You can set up a few to cover your tent, and your table area so you can enjoy your food without sweating into it too much. Tarps are also great for rainy season camping, so they’re a great piece of kit to add to your camping gear.
Another good idea is to cover your tent with a reflective surface. The blankets from a first aid kit work great, and you could even use the reflective window covers for cars too. Having a surface that can reflect some of the sun from your tent will make a huge difference!
If you’re camping near a river or a lake, it’s nice to be close so you can dip in for a little cool off. Nothing better than getting your toes into some cold water when you’re feeling a little overheated. Plus, if you can take a few beach balls and floaties, could be a fun time too!
If you're pretty certain there’s not gonna be any rain, you could always remove the rain fly from your tent and sleep inside the mesh inner section. This would be the coolest way to sleep through those super hot nights, and you will have a full view of the stary night sky too!
The most important thing you can do in any hot weather is stay hydrated. Drink lots of water!What are your tips for staying cool in the summer camping heat?
Let us know in the comments!